Friday, October 29, 2021

Covid-19 has obviously turned everyone's world upside down and like the majority of the population i am struggling. Adding to my anxiety is the awful l guilty that I feel l because other people have are in far more difficult situations; I cannot even imagine what this entire social-distancing and self quarantining must be like for individuals with disabilities and their families who are left without school, services, support, etc. I am thankful that I am at home with my wonderful daughter and husband but I am struggling and am not sure how much longer I can keep this going. I am intensely concerned about my daughter because I am so tired and worn down that I am not the mom that I know i can be (this may be due to my incredibly low hormone levels or the fact I did have brain surgery in January but the reality is that I feel wretched and anxious about what this social isolation is doing to her development. Sure I make detailed lesson plans to keep her engaged and learning but I am incredible concerned about her lack of exposure to peers. One of the primary reasons that I send her to daycare is to foster social skills and now she is an only child left at home with two exhausted parents...this cannot be healthy. 
Worried about husband - has taken the lead in care-taking for months and continues to help out (when he is not working from home) and I can just tell that he is mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. 
Feel like this whole situation is magnifying my weaknesses and that I am not good at anything. I need to feel like I am useful and I know that being a good mom and making my daughter happy is my most important job right now but I am just not good at it and am honestly so tired that I can barely function. I feel like I would feel a little better if I was able to engage in something that helps other people...
In the time of heightened anxiety I am fully employing my not so healthy coping mechanisms of controlling my food and exercising ...
feel like daycare would be helpful to not only give my daughter a sense of normalcy and opportunities to interact with others but will also give me a time to recharge so that the time I spend with her is ??high quality??....My mom has said that she noticed a marked difference in both my daughter and I when I began sending her to daycare and went back to work. I am actually working (remote ei sessions that I have been wanting to do for years) but can only have sessions when my husband rearranges his schedule which he does and is amazing but unfortunately the way in which EI operated prior to the outbreak relied heavily upon therapist led interventions even though we are supposed to be utilizing more of a coaching model for parent led intervention. I wish that we engaged in best practice and utilized parent training manuals with structured sessions and goals (I really like Project Impact and would love to sessions based on it but it would require parents to engage in weekly readings from a book that they would have to buy and I have been informed that this is not what "birth to three does". 
How wretched of a mother would I be to send my daughter into daycare?

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