Thursday, December 8, 2016

Well I am back and am now blessed with a beautiful and sweet baby greater that is now almost 8 months old...did I mention that I had HELLP syndrome? Yeah..the day after my baby shower I got stomach bug (along with almost everyone else at the party) and after being sick to my stomach I became really concerned when I called my obgyn because I could not feel the baby moving and after unsuccessfully trying to get movement by placing ice cubes on my belly (so much fun when it is below freezing outside) I went in to the office to calm my mind. While at the office I had  my blood pressure taken and it was high so the ordered blood tests which revealed that I had HELLP syndrome which caught everyone off guard because I did not show any of the typical symptoms (e.g. my blood pressure was never high and I certainly did not gain excessive weight) Follow up blood work showed that my platelet levels were crashing and I was admitted to the hospital to be induced for labor. Thank fully everything worked out fine (well I can say fine because I completely blocked the entire birth and placenta removal without husband on the other hand is not so lucky) and both Maeve and I came out of the delivery healthy and strong.