Monday, December 2, 2019

MRI was today and WOW those things are noisy, I cannot begin to imagine how a child could possibly go through that! The pictures confirmed the presence of a epidermoid cyst in my right temporal lobe and I guess the next step is to meet with the neurosurgeon and see what he thinks. In the meantime, my doctor wants to up my Keppra or try a new drug but I do not really understand why that is necessary following one seizure and explained that in an e-mail stating:

Thank you for getting back to me. I am doing a little better with the Keppra 1x daily although I still feel a little out of it and cognitively slowed down the next morning. Unfortunately. I have a history of insomnia and depression and really cannot handle the side effects and ups and downs of trying out drugs especially that I am a mom who has gone through this when trying to cope with insomnia and depression. Moreover, since this was my first seizure and there were clear precursors (e.g. dizziness) is it necessary to be on medication after just one seizure?
Thank you,

I honestly just cannot deal with being a zombie because it just is not me and I cannot be the mom I know I can be.

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