Almost 2 weeks post surgery and I am quite surprised at how well my recovery is going (knock on wood); I honestly have not had much physical pain at all.
update 1/28/2019<
My recovery continues to go well mostly due to the fact that I my mom, dad, and husband, are serving as an incredible support system and really taking the lead in what is most important to me: caring for my daughter. I am really quite frustrated because I WANT SO BAD to be the engaged, active, and fun mom that I know I can be but I just can't (at least for a significant amount of time) largely due to extreme fatigue but also dizziness and pain if I overexert myself.
Another huge source of frustration for me is that unlike normal people who can relax by binge watching television shows, knitting, eating comfort food etc. there are really only 2 thing that calm me: walking and research. Luckily, my gross motor skills are intact and I go on nice long walks a few times a day while listening to research about ASDs and neuroscience. However, I realized that the deadline for my dream fellowship ;is February 1 and while I have brainstormed pages for my personal statement it is not complete and I need two letters of recommendation and will likely miss the deadline. It is unfortunate because this entire experience has ignited a new passion for the neuroscience into developmental disabilities and I this fellowship would be an absolute dream come as it offers the opportunities to expand on the knowledge>electroencephalography (EEG) and event related potentials (ERP) as well as eye tracking that I taught myself about for my thesis on the relationship between social functioning and audiovisual speech perception in individuals with ASDs. In addition, I would learn about >functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), positron emission tomography (PET). Most importantly, I LOVE Dr. Mcpartland's model of being a scientist/clinician which means that in addition to conducting true science and research utilizing the amazing tools of neuroscience, I would idea also directly interact with individuals and their families with developmental disabilities and thus be able to satisfy my passions for research and improving the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families . Dr. Mcpartland brilliantly explaining this dream job in the first five minutes of the following lecture:
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