Monday, February 24, 2020

Anxiety and feeling inadequate

I know I am 6 weeks post brain surgery but i feel so useless. I continue to struggle with getting easily overwhelmed and feeling like I am on the verge of a panic attack every time I go out in the community and am beginning to wonder if I will ever be able to handle leaving the house again. I am also so cognitively out of it that I cannot be the mom that I need to be for Maeve and she really needs to be in daycare more but since I cannot work I do not get paid and therefore cannot send her to daycare. Speaking of my job, I know that it is not what I want to do (I really want to get involved with research on biomarkers for ASD)I also just cannot do it as the unpredictability and sensory/social overstimulation makes me very anxious and on the verge of a panic attack....I  have really struggled with this mental fog and sensitivity to sensory/social stimulation since my seizure and wonder what could be the cause: the concussion and then brain surgery or the keppra? I hate feeling like I am going to have a panic attack after driving my daughter to daycare and going to the grocery store....they only time I do not feel anxious is when I am hyper focused on a task. How can I live this way? I called my doctor and will be meeting him next week instead of next month to switch from Keppra.

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