Well 2020 has certainly been eventful. Just as I was resuming my normal life after brain surgery here comes Covid 19. Like the rest of the world I am in lockdown mode with husband, daughter, and dog as we engage in social distancing to "flatten the curve".
The above post was written in March and now that it is June we are finally getting a bit back to normal and that is fantastic because I was ready to get back to normal in March (just when Covid and social distancing came about). March started off GREAT, I started driving, I returned back to work for a few sessions and it felt fantastic engaging with families and young children with ASD again, and my family was lucky enough to squeeze in a wonderful trip to Florida before social distancing measures set in. I will try updating a bit more because while quarantine has not been easy difficult for me my family (just like everyone else) and especially my daughter who truly need peer interactions for her social and emotional development and well-being. A positive development that has come from the social distancing is that I am now volunteering as a research assistant at Purdue University and it is positively amazing, I just love being involved in research and dream of pursuing a career in ASD research by pursuing my Phd.